No Guns Life Gn Vol 08 Manga published by Viz Media Llc

No Guns Life Gn Vol 08

Viz Media Llc

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Juzo was badly damaged in the fight with Io, the mysterious figure believed to be Tetsuro's brother. To get Juzo back in shape, he will need access to military secrets contained inside Wunder Bender, a maximum security prison built for housing the Overextended. To add to the challenge, the only person who knows how to use those secrets to repair Juzo is Victor, who is currently being held in the prison. Olivia can use her connections to get Juzo and Mary into the facility, but once inside, they are on their own... For older teen audiences. Viz Media Llc
(W) Tasuku Karasuma (A/Ca) Tasuku Karasuma