In Association with Brookings Book Company
7174AD (2024 Image) #1 Cvr A Ashley Wood (Mature)
Ain't No Grave (2024 Image) #1 (Of 5) (Mature)
Ain't No Grave (2024 Image) #3 (Of 5) Cvr A Jorge Corona (Mature)
Ain't No Grave (2024 Image) #4 (Of 5) Cvr A Jorge Corona (Mature)
Ain't No Grave (2024 Image) #5 (Of 5) Cvr A Jorge Corona (Mature)
All The Things We Didnt Do Last Night (One Shot) Cvr A Maria Llovet (Mature)
All The Things We Didnt Do Last Night (One Shot) Cvr B Maria Llovet Variant (Mature)
American Jesus The New Messiah (2019 Image) #2 Cvr A Top Secret (Mature) (NM)
Arrowsmith (2022 Image) #4 (Of 6) Cvr A Pacheco Fonteriz Villarrubia (Mature)
Ascender (2019 Image) #2 (Mature) (NM)
Ash & Thorn (Paperback) (Mature)
Barbaric Harvest Blades (One Shot) Cvr B Richard Pace Variant
Batman Full Moon (2024 DC) #4 (Of 4) Francesco Francavilla Card Stock Variant (Mature)
Batman Gargoyle of Gotham (2023 DC) #1 (Of 4) Cvr A Rafael Grampa (Mature)
Batman Gargoyle of Gotham (2023 DC) #1 (Of 4) Cvr B Jim Lee Variant (Mature)
Batman Gargoyle of Gotham (2023 DC) #1 (Of 4) Cvr C Frank Miller & Jock Variant (Mature)
Batman Gargoyle of Gotham (2023 DC) #1 (Of 4) Cvr D David Finch Variant (Mature)
Batman White Knight Presents Generation Joker (2023 DC) #3 (Of 6) Cvr A Sean Murphy (Mature)
Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees (2023 IDW) #2 3rd Printing
Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees (2023 IDW) #3 2nd Printing
Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees (2023 IDW) #4 Cvr A Horvath (Mature)
Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees (2023 IDW) #4 Cvr B Rossmo (Mature)
Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees (2023 IDW) #5 Cvr A Horvath (Mature)
Beneath the Trees Where Nobody Sees (2023 IDW) #5 Cvr B Rossmo (Mature)
Big Game (2023 Image) #1 (Of 5) Cvr A Larraz (Mature)
Blood Hunt (2024 Marvel) #3 (Of 5) Red Band Variant (Mature)
Blood-Stained Teeth (2022 Image) #4 Cvr B Eckman-Lawn (Mature)
Blood-Stained Teeth (2022 Image) #5 Cvr A Ward (Mature)
Blood-Stained Teeth (2022 Image) #6 Cvr A Ward (Mature)
Boy Wonder (2024 DC) #3 (Of 5) Cvr A Juni Ba (Mature)